

True love forgives. By definition, to forgive is to stop feeling angry or resentful towards someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake. How often do we consciously recognize the inner dialogue of our thoughts that are being self-critical, judgmental, and unloving?

Forgiveness is essential to being at peace and whole within your spirit. God readily and immediately forgives the second you ask. He loves us so much that He even sacrificed His only begotten Son, Jesus, to bring us reconciliation. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, only that you ASK, and then be willing to receive. Receiving is an act of self-love that strengthens the unity of God’s presence within ourselves.

Why is it then that more often than not, we have difficulty receiving forgiveness? Ask yourselves this question and contemplate on what appears without judgment or guilt. Come from a place of curiosity as you would to a friend. Next, surrender these thoughts to God, and show trust by letting it go. As you relinquish control, reconciliation comes though Almighty God’s nourishing, unfailing love.

Allow yourself to fully receive forgiveness by treating yourself with the utmost of compassion. This is how God loves, with compassion and tender mercy. Show kindness to others, but also remember to be kind to yourself.

It is not beauty that endears, it’s love that makes us see beauty..jpg