Love Yourself First


People are conditioned to believe that love is something received externally from other relationships. Our primary and most important relationship before all others is to the self. When we prioritize ourselves by recognizing our deepest wants and desires, we are able to facilitate and attract those dreams into reality. Learning to unconditionally love and accept who we are without exception is to transcend limitations that have kept us from stepping into true freedom. I am here to help jumpstart this process with you.



ascension / the path of enlightenment

We all come to Earth to experience contrast through duality. Everything outside of love is an illusion to help us to either grow in unconditional love or to repress it. The first and most pivotal step to enlightenment is to love. Through love we are able to remember our connection to the Universe of all Creation / Supreme Source Light. This is the infinite divine energy of love that connects all things across all existence, whether physical or non-physical, human or other life form. It is our purest essence, and fundamentally, the divinity we are all comprised from.



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